
Winter Updates
Year 3 Starters
Teachers' Links
Shopping Project
H. S. Project Samples
Fraction Monsters
Winter Updates
Winter Wrap-ups
Winter Wrap-Ups 2
Spring Fun
Grade 8 Earth Day
Grade 6 Medieval Faire

Teachers As Students!
Professional development in the area of technology-infused mathematics education is highlighted by the terms of the MATRIX grant.  Participating teachers throughout New Jersey work towards developing these skills through provisions of the state grant.  The MacKinnon MATRIX Team recently spent a full day of training at a workshop hosted by IDE consultants, Sharon West and Juanita Howland-Greene.  MacKinnon's LEA partners from the Midtown Community School in Bayonne joined the January workshop.  Together, the MacKinnon and Midtown teachers shared ideas, learned new techniques involving problem-based learning and technology infusion, and created innovative mathematics units for their classrooms.  The students of both districts are already benefitting from the efforts of their teachers.  The next IDE workshop is scheduled for February 14th. 

Geometer's Sketch
On January 24th a representative from Key Curriculum Press will be visiting MacKinnon Middle School in order to train the MATRIX Team on the use of our newest software edition, Geometer's SketchPad.  The team looks forward to using this dynamic software to enhance geometry lessons later this winter and spring.  In combination with our interactive whiteboards, future geometry lessons should prove to be very exciting learning opportunities for the middle school math students.
Geometer's SketchPad

Teachers, click on the links below to view some excellent sites offering lessons to be used with Geometer's Sketchpad!

Sample of a Geometer's Sketchpad screen