Science Fair Links
Having trouble finding a Science
Fair Project? The following site has students take a 46 question survey regarding
likes and dislikes in science related topics. Next it surveys based upon your
top choices. Finally, it narrows down your strongest interest area to a few specific
projects. It is a bit time consuming, but very thorough and well worth the effort.: Science Buddies: Home offers a central location for fair
project ideas, answering questions, resources and tips for parent involvement. As
always, Discover puts forth a quality site:
Science Fair Central offers ideas for science fair projects and experiments.
Successful Science Fair Projects provides a nice outline for the written
portion of the project. They also give pointers on what makes for a really well
done project.
CyberFair - Project Steps presents a very organized listing of steps toward a great science project. There are also some terrific examples of actual student projects accessible via the links at the top of
the site.
The following sites provide lists of project
ideas by grade level:
Science Fair Project Ideas
School Science Fairs Homepage
Science Fair Project Ideas-USGS.GOV
Interested in seeing science fairs at other
schools? The site below provides links to science fairs all over the globe.
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Science Fairs
Welcome to! This site provides ideas, project
steps, report writing guides and display board formats. In addition to all of
these helpers, the site has an internal search engine and a message board to share ideas with other visitors. The idea board was interesting because many students posted information telling about their “winning”
The following web page provides a
list of internet links to project ideas, resources and experiments: Science Fair Projects
Exploratorium Learning Studio: Science Fairs -- Resources for Students provides many links to finding and
constructing the best science fair projects. This page also links to several
Ask an Expert sites. If you do plan
on contacting experts for information and advice, make sure you allow for plenty of time for your experts to respond.